MS91.06: Peyton Randolph Papers
Peyton Randolph letter to Maria Randolph, 1807 July 19


Portsmouth July 1807

My dearest wife

I send you only one line, to let you
know that I am in perfect health. Both Nor-
folk & Portsmouth enjoy an uncommon share
of that first of blessings

Yesterday I was at the most
sumptuous feast ever known in this country.
It was given to all the troops who came from
a distance. Near 700 persons sat down to
dinner; and the effusions of joy, patriotism &
gratitude, which were poured forth by the people
of Norfolk , surpassed all description.

I am just about to visit Decatur
for the first time. I have seldom less than three
invitations every day to dinner; but I take
care to preserve sobriety & temperance.

Adieu my darling [Note] for the
Yos eternally

P. R.

We have no prospect
of any thing to do in
the military way.
Let me know when the Governor
intends to recal us. I hope most ardently to see
you soon.

p2 Maria Randolph

M.r Potter is par-
ticularly requested
to forward this letter to M.r Ed: Randolph's as
soon as he arrives in Richmond